Amsterdam Startups List

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Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Amsterdam.

Meet 5 Chief Technology Officer View everyone

ID 769903

Mark van der Velden

I'm an experienced internet technologist. I like to build innovative concepts. I have a passion for motorbikes, golf, whisky and flying cars!

ID 73979

Bill Zimmerman


Co-founder and technology guy at Venture Capital for Africa (VC4Africa). Founder of ActivSpaces, Cameroon's first technology incubation space. Board member of the AfriLabs Foundation. Formerly an engineer at Visio and @microsoft.

ID 656478

Joost van de Wijgerd

Founder @springsource, @jteam • Chief Architect and VP Operations at @ebuddy

ID 62907

Alexander Mans


Entrepreneur. Love Startups, Tech & ✈. Founder @flyr, CEO @mans-invest

ID 774750

Breght Boschker

CTO By Day, Geek by night. Product guy, passionate nerd, business developer,  tech strategist & mentor and motorbike enthusiast.

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